ICT materiaal voor de GOA High School in India
Government High School Gaval Khol in Canacona taluka school is situated in one of the rural hamlets of Canacona wherein 70% of the students community belong to the S.T. (Scheduled Tribe) community and the remaining are from the OBC (other Backward Class) community.
The infrastructure of the school in 2006 was in a bad state (electrical, window frames, not a drop of water, leaking roof, no playground, …). The School has focused on improving the infrastructure and transform the school into a model school.
The School had a total of 16 computers but unfortunately only 9 were functional. The school therefore required (among other things) 10 extra computers and a laser Printer.
Kiwanis Egmont was happy to donate the necessary funds to acquire the computers and laser printer. The school can now focus on growth and increasing the quality of their education.